Saturday, November 15, 2008
-The customers of the markets and shops who were kind enough to help donate goods, while we were out there doing the food drive.
-The Fung Family for bringing in a bag full of goods x2
-Alan Legaspi donating bag full of goods.
-Rosie Lacsina donating bag full of goods.
Plus donated monetary for Brown Bag Foods
- Sharon Adachi donating bag full of goods
- Jane D. Smith Donated clothing goods
- Angelica Pascual Donated canned goods
-Alma Queharro Donated canned goods
-Katrina Dealdo donated hygiene goods
-Tania Baeter Donated bag of goods
- Fumi family (Elaine)
- Ruby Johnson Donated Food Goods
- Kisha Malika Lawson Donated Monetary
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sample Campaign Materials
So here it is, the first flier.

If anyone would like to take on a task on enhancing our flier, please feel free. I would welcome the help :)
11/7/2008 Paul Kemp has been working on the new look flier. After the first one it, def. need a new look. After all, I just whipped it up within 5 min. The new one has a better look and feel. Check it out.

CompaniesTeam Up For A Cause
We are excited to announce the companies that have jumped on to help with the cause. See below for some of those companies.
Location: Southern California
Spanish-4-You is an effective, practical and fun program designed for busy people that need to learn Spanish fast but with a solid foundation at the same time.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Food Drive Volunteer Profiles

Bio: Russo Mutuc
Head Coordinator/Administrator for Spanish for Success, i Spring Break Costa Rica, Global Study Network.
"Trying to make a difference for some peoples lives, even if its a small task."

Nursing Student

In nursing profession
"I would like to volunteer to help others"

Founder of Spanish-4-You and educator
Has teamed up with us for Donation Campaign
Ms. Laura Zayas was born in Puerto Rico. An enthusiastic academic, she currently holds two Bachelor Degrees; one in International Relations and the other in French, both from Tufts University.
She also holds two Master's Degrees; one in Education of Foreign Languages from UCLA, and the other in Spanish Literature and Linguistics from Cal State, Fullerton.
Food Drive 2008
Greetings fellow blog readers, this is Russo. Tis the season for giving, and it’s time again to coordinate another food drive for the community, and now medical supply, and kids shoes drive. This year we have new volunteers working with us, and want to thank them for taking the time to do so. Read some of the volunteer profiles in this blog. In the past I have personally worked with the LA Food Bank on a solo project, but did not really get good results with collecting canned goods. As time passed, I have realized that in order to get a better response from donators, I have to be able to work with volunteers to help spread the word, plus to go out to major super markets or stores and collaborate on this project. So this year, we are going on our small “campaign” to try and collaborate with the local community business. So wish us luck!!
Food Drive 2008, this year will be different, hopefully bigger and better! To start off, we have listed the objectives below on our plans to get the project going.
1) We need volunteers from the LA region to help coordinate with local super markets, shoe store for kids, or pharmacy store. Volunteers will collaborate on donation drive in front of business facilities. They will need to contact the business facility to ask for permission to set up a small booth or table to target passing customers.
2) Volunteer times can vary from 4-8 hours per week. Check this blog for specific times on when we plan to go out into the business facilities.
3) We are looking for canned foods, medical supplies, un-used kids shoes, or non-perishable goods.
4) Most of the canned foods will be forwarded to the LA food bank. Medical supplies will be forwarded to non-profit organizations abroad, kids shoes will be forward to a non-profit organization based in Houston Texas.
We are working with the medical connect community bloggers and friends to collaborate with medical supply donations for third world countries. The idea is to help collect supplies such as gauzes, tapes, bandages, anti-septic, anything that is non-perishable, or does not expire. These supplies will be handed to medical organizations abroad who are currently volunteering their time to aid the sick and unfortunate.
We want to thank you for taking the time to read this blog/message, if you or anyone you know is interested in working with us for the up-coming donation campaign, please feel free to forward this link to them ** ** Lets make the world a little better by sharing and caring. Anything is possible, when we make an effort to.
Russo Mutuc “You’re Spanish Abroad Destination!”