Bio: Russo Mutuc
Head Coordinator/Administrator for Spanish for Success, i Spring Break Costa Rica, Global Study Network.
"Trying to make a difference for some peoples lives, even if its a small task."

Nursing Student

In nursing profession
"I would like to volunteer to help others"

Founder of Spanish-4-You and educator
Has teamed up with us for Donation Campaign
Ms. Laura Zayas was born in Puerto Rico. An enthusiastic academic, she currently holds two Bachelor Degrees; one in International Relations and the other in French, both from Tufts University.
She also holds two Master's Degrees; one in Education of Foreign Languages from UCLA, and the other in Spanish Literature and Linguistics from Cal State, Fullerton.
hey, this sounds like a great cause. i shall have a root around and see what i can find.
Just want to say thanks to russ (Spanish For Success) for making a donation towards an auction i put on for the Children's Liver Disease Foundation a while back very much apprieciated =)
good luck with the food drive guys xx
Thanks for the feedback Audrey! Always glad to help in someway.
hey guys this is Marta B. one of the volunteers from "food drive" and just to let you know, this is my first time doing this, believe me, its a really nice experience so please, make your donations and I'll promise you that all your help will come back to you, thanks and god bless you.
Bio: Paul Kemp
Technical Consultant Specialist
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